Hasker Brouwer
Owner & Writer
Art-director by trade, with a specialty in turning complex stories, visions and products into simple animations or infographics, Hasker always loved telling stories and making things clear.
Stinger Magazine is an extension of that. Tired of modern gaming publications starting with conclusions on the title they are discussing, fed up with bloggers posing as critics, he took it upon himself to just make a website that describes what a game does, why, and for whom that might be interesting. And what better genre to focus on than the one he loves most? Action.
Challenge Run History
World First
Dark Souls [SL1] (contested)
Metal Gear Rising [VH NuR]
Metal Gear Rising [Pole Only NuR]
Metal Gear Rising [No Dodge VH NuR]
Metal Gear Rising [No Parry REV NuR]
Prey2016 [NuR+]
God Hand [KMS Hard Kick Only]
God Hand [KMS Hard Punch Only]
Nioh [Way of the Blade]
Resident Evil 5 [Fresh Pro]
Kunitsu-Gami [NuR]
World Record/ World Only
Evil Within 2 [Knife Only]
Evil Within 2 [True Survivor]
Warrior Within [No Sands Hard]
Metal Gear Rising [Way of the Blade]
Vanquish [Shotgun Only GH]
Vanquish [LC Only GH]
ZoE2 [No subweapon Extreme]
ZoE2 [No subweapon Damaged Jehuty Extreme] (partial)
Astral Chain [NuR]
Various other Challenge Runs
Super Mario World [No Walk/Run]
Kingdom Hearts 1 [level 1 crit]
Kingdom Hearts 2 [level 1 crit]
Dante’s Inferno [NuR]
Sifu [NuR]
Sifu [Max Age]
Sifu [age 20]
Sifu [Grandmaster]
Yakuza Kiwami [NuR (partial)]
Sekiro [Bell+charmless+NuR]
God of War 2018 [Level-1 Run]
Splinter Cell 1 [No Nothing Run]
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory [No Nothing Run]
Killer is Dead [NuR]
Demon’s Souls [SL1, low brightness]
Genma Onimusha [NuR]
Genma Onimusha [Fresh Max Rank]
Bayonetta 2 [NuR]
Bayonetta 2 [Parry Only NuR]
Doom 2016 [NuR]
Doom Eternal [NuR]
Doom Eternal [Shotgun Only]
P.N.03 [Papillon]
Resident Evil 4 [Knife Only
Resident Evil 4 [TMP only]
Resident Evil 4 [Pistol only]
Resident Evil 4 [No Merchant]
Hitman Blood Money [Sniper only]
Ninja Gaiden Black [Kitetsu only]
Ninja Gaiden Black [NuR]
Ninja Gaiden Black [Dabi only]
Ninja Gaiden Black [Hammer only]
Ninja Gaiden 2 [NuR]
Ninja Gaiden 2 [OLB+NN]
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 [Single Weapon runs ALL]
God of War 1 [NuR]
God of War 1 [PAIN+]
Devil May Cry 1 [Fresh SSB DMD]
Devil May Cry 1 [NuR DMD]
Devil May Cry 3 [NuR DMD]
God Hand [KMS Hard]
Other Team Members
Vincent Hiemstra
Copy Editor
Old friend of Hasker, together they’ve shared many adventures, both in real life and online. An avid fan of Warcraft, he could tell you the series fabled history in exquisite detail and has done his share of writing on the subject.
Thanks to his good knowledge of English, in part due to one day dreaming to move abroad, he helps out at Stinger making sure that the articles are up to snuff.
Milan Lefferts
Content Editor
Independent game developer and writer based in Amsterdam. Storytelling is at the heart of everything he does. He creates worlds and experiences, both digital and analogue. One word, one piece of code at a time.
Outside of that he uses his knowledge of the craft to edit all articles on Stinger Magazine before they are published, because as he says: “every good writer needs an editor“. Want to see more of his own work, please visit his website.
Johan de Wild
Not the hero Stinger deserves, but the one it needed. Johan singlehandedly saved the site from damnation by rebuilding it from scratch in less than 3 hours. Now he helps with changes to the design and keeping the site up to date.
During the day he’s an avid gamer and owner of WildIT – a Salesforce agency that helps to configure and develop Salesforce platforms.
Tai Tsurugi
Guest Writer
Passionate about videogames since he was a child. Fell in love with action games thanks to Freedom Unite and DMC, always ready to discuss game desing has a soft spot for challenging games. Has a podcast called Izuna Talk focused on action and singleplayer games.